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GitHub User: remon

Comments by Reymond


Using delayed_job gem with my rails 3 app on development working great but when I tried to use it on production using capistrano it gives me these error

script/delayed_job: Permission denied

I am using their method and I followed your method



trying to find user friends who are using my app using koala gem but I am facing these issue and I didnot find any solution for it

Koala::Facebook::AuthenticationError in Reg_steps#show

type: OAuthException, code: 190, error_subcode: 460, message: Error validating access token: Session does not match current stored session. This may be because the user changed the password since the time the session was created or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons. [HTTP 400]


I am using windows on my development machine ,,,any one having experience on adding ssl while developing on windows ,,please help me ..thanks


faye is really great ...I was using private_pub for 2 months then due to slow ajax requests and using thin server which is not suitable for thousands for connections I used nodejs server and It's more fast than ruby server but I am facing problem in security as I have a chat application and I am using the simple script for running faye
var http = require('http'),
faye = require('faye');

var bayeux = new faye.NodeAdapter({mount: '/faye', timeout: 45});
console.log('faye starting');
I hope I could find anyone who is running the nodejs server to help me


faye is really great ...I was using private_pub for 2 months then due to slow ajax requests and using thin server which is not suitable for thousands for connections I used nodejs server and It's more fast than ruby server but I am facing problem in security as I have a chat application and I am using the simple script for running faye
var http = require('http'),
faye = require('faye');

var bayeux = new faye.NodeAdapter({mount: '/faye', timeout: 45});
console.log('faye starting');
I hope I could find anyone who is running the nodejs server to help me


thanks a lot of your help ,,It will be y pleasure to contact you


and in your opinion ,,which framework is the best for rails application , Ember ,angular ,backbone ,for chat application for example


I am using pjax also with my rails application ,I am doing simple social network ,can u provide my with ur code or hints how can I implement chat app on my site ,,I am an expert rails developer and intermediate javascript ,,your help is really valuable for me


I knew my problem now ...your idea is really cool and saved many days of search...
I used next_page with a ,,,but after adding 'a' its working now


your method is really nice ,,,I tried it ,,but with internationalization ,,,its not working ,,,on console it gives me the get method for url is ok ..but no appending happens for pagination ...I am using kaminari so , and I used

$("#posts").append("<%= escape_javascript(render(@posts)) %>"
<% if (@posts.current_page < @posts.num_pages) %>
  $('.pagination').replaceWith('<%= j paginate(@posts) %>');
<% else %>
<% end %>

your method is really nice ,,,I tried it ,,but with internationalization ,,,its not working ,,,on console it gives me the get method for url is ok ..but no appending happens for pagination ...I am using kaminari so I replaced .next_page with .next a , and I used

$("#posts").append("<%= escape_javascript(render(@posts)) %>"
<% if (@posts.current_page < @posts.num_pages) %>
  $('.pagination').replaceWith('<%= j paginate(@posts) %>');
<% else %>
<% end %>

nice approach rayn ,,I didnot test it in production yet ,,but it seems that its not working with with Endless page approach you showed before .


@rayn ,,I think now both gems has problems ,,,I found a jquery plugin which is more easy ,,just need to be used in rails



do you know how to solve these problem ..I searched a lot with no answer
/etc/init.d/unicorn_depot_2: Permission denied


the problem That I did the steps but when running service nginx start .....no welcome message ,,just only error message ...I dont know why.?..the steps were working great before installing nginx ...


I am running on windows ,,,and I usually used to deploy to Heroku ,and I want to try linode . I have a question "deploying from different operating system like windows which I am using ,could work ?"