When using the after_update callback to update the images, it ran into an infinite loop, since paperclip updates the avatar_updated_at column on the model after it completes the crop, so the model gets updated again and re-kicks off the callback.
To resolve this I called @user.avatar.reprocess! directly in the controller if cropping.
Also, I created a crop_box style, which I explicitly exclude from my cropping processor, so that I can display an unaltered 250x250 image so the user can continually go back and edit their "original" image, and the cropping only applies to thumb nails and medium images. I simply did that by wrapping the logic in transformation_command with:
def transformation_command
if target.cropping? && ![CROP_BOX_PAPERCLIP_STYLE].include?(options[:geometry])
I declared CROP_BOX_PAPERCLIP_STYLE in environment.rb so that it is available across my application.
It does force me to give crop_box a very unique size so it wont bump into other styles I have!
I encountered a few issues using paperclip 3.2.0.
When using the after_update callback to update the images, it ran into an infinite loop, since paperclip updates the avatar_updated_at column on the model after it completes the crop, so the model gets updated again and re-kicks off the callback.
To resolve this I called @user.avatar.reprocess! directly in the controller if cropping.
Reference Thread: https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip/issues/866
I also had some issues with the Cropper Processor in this cast, so I used the code from here: http://viget.com/extend/manual-cropping-with-paperclip
Also, I created a crop_box style, which I explicitly exclude from my cropping processor, so that I can display an unaltered 250x250 image so the user can continually go back and edit their "original" image, and the cropping only applies to thumb nails and medium images. I simply did that by wrapping the logic in transformation_command with:
def transformation_command
if target.cropping? && ![CROP_BOX_PAPERCLIP_STYLE].include?(options[:geometry])
I declared CROP_BOX_PAPERCLIP_STYLE in environment.rb so that it is available across my application.
It does force me to give crop_box a very unique size so it wont bump into other styles I have!
Good luck and thanks for the cast!