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GitHub User: khalidaslam

Comments by Khalid Aslam


a newbie question. Got two models Job and Company. A company has_many jobs and each job belongs_to company. Building a form for Job which has collection select that allows user to select already existing company or create one with three fields i.e. name, info, and logo. So far all i have seen is accepts_nested_attributes_for being used in the form of model with has_many relationship and not belongs_to. I saw ryans create model through textfield railscast and this one but couldn't figure out which approach to go for. I like the create model through textfield but how to create three fields rather than one. Any suggestion would be highly appreaciated.


A Newbie question. If a user typed a misspelled or mistype word e.g graphc rather than graphic, will it still give some result. What's the best way to handle that kind of situation as i can't find any plugin for "did you mean? graphic" functionality.