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GitHub User: PaulGis

Comments by Paul Gisbourne


Not so much as Ryan seeded his database a thousand times... so there will be multiple instances of the articles he has, so probably a hundred or so "Batman" articles...


Ignore this, I have sorted out the issue.

I had changed something in a method in my user.rb file which meant something in my database wasn't being set...


I am working on a new app in rails 3.2.2 with rspec 2.9 and I'm getting an error when testing emails that have been sent.

In the example here ryan you use this line 'last_email.to.should include(user.email)' which worked fine before but now I'm getting an error on this which says
'Failure/Error: last_email.to.should include(user.email)
undefined method `to' for nil:NilClass'

Any thoughts on this??


I implemented an account confirmation system using episode 274 as a base.


I have an app that is using acts_as_tree and what I would like is for my url's on my page models to not include the model name, can friendly_id help with this?


Please redo this for Rails 3, even adding in namespace help too would be brilliant! Struggling with this at present...

Any help would be appreciated


If your using attr_accesible on your model make sure :remove_image is set there, and it should work


in case your struggling the beaded should be 'based';

what I want to know is if no image is uploaded for a post can you default to the image of the category that the post belongs to?


I have a blog application and would like to default to an image beaded on the category association of the post if no image is uploaded. Is this possible?


I'm guessing this is a little bug, but why would you want the reset_token to be considered expired if it is less than 2 hours old? shouldn't it be if it is more than 2 hours old??


Looked over my code again and spotted an issue with my named route..... what a newbie!!!!!


Got a site I'm working on and have followed the example above and got the authentication working except for the logout link, with the sessions#destroy not deleting the session and the redirect is going to the login page not the root_url.

Any help with this would be appreciated.


Is it possible through template inheritance to make dynamic navigation...

Say that I had a blog application with a list of categories and wanted to link to those categories to show list of articles within those categories, could I use a dynamic method to create the links to the categories show page and place that in an inherited template?


How easy or difficult would it be to work this into a user account activation/verification email as well as password resets?


brilliant thanks demetrios, I'm not fluent enough with textmate to know where to start looking for these things


As a newbie to Rails this is very exciting, but I am wondering if there is a way to dry this up a little.

With the example, if you copy and override the side partial four times, in four different locations, then that is four places you will need to edit if you make changes to any of the links...

Or is this not a real world practical issue?


Hi Ryan,

You said in the video that you would put a link in the show notes to show how you got the colour wheel working with the sass bundle, unless I'm mistaken I can't see it. Any chance you could let us know how to get it to work?

Many thanks, love the screencasts.