I'm pretty new to rails and mercury and I have some troubles to save.
I've implemented the editor on one controller and I want to send the save request to the same controller. I want to update so i use the "PUT" method right.
But the lo tells me that there is no route to url.
def update
include Mercury::Authentication
layout :layout_with_mercury
helper_method :is_editing?
def layout_with_mercury
!params[:mercury_frame] && is_editing? ? 'mercury' : 'application'
def is_editing?
cookies[:editing] == 'true' && can_edit?
// Set to the url that you want to save any given page to, leave null for default handling.
var saveUrl = null
// Instantiate the PageEditor
new Mercury.PageEditor(saveUrl, {
saveStyle: 'form', // 'form', or 'json' (default json)
saveMethod: 'PUT', // 'PUT', or 'POST', (create, vs. update -- default PUT)
visible: true // boolean - if the interface should start visible or not
Pitchdot::Application.routes.draw do
mount Mercury::Engine => '/'
resources :users
resources :sessions, only: [:new, :create, :destroy]
resources :pitchdecks
get "static_pages/privacy"
root to:'static_pages#home'
match '/signup', to:'users#new'
match '/signin', to:'sessions#new'
match '/signout', to:'sessions#destroy', via::delete
match '/help', to:'static_pages#help'
match '/about', to:'static_pages#about'
match '/jobs', to:'static_pages#jobs'
match '/terms', to:'static_pages#terms'
match '/privacy', to:'static_pages#privacy'end
Now it works, it was a routing problem.
I'm pretty new to rails and mercury and I have some troubles to save.
I've implemented the editor on one controller and I want to send the save request to the same controller. I want to update so i use the "PUT" method right.
But the lo tells me that there is no route to url.
Maybe you can help me. Thanks!