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Andrew Rogers's Profile

GitHub User: dodgerogers

Site: http://teeboxnetwork.com

Comments by Andrew Rogers


I have downloaded the source code for the custom s3_uploader_form which uploads straight to s3.

Straight out of the box I can't upload anything to S3 as it always renders an alert stating "upload failed" for everything, however there is nothing in the trace to suggest why. Removing the paintings.js.coffee code and adding a submit_tag to the form enables me to upload files to s3, however this doesn't create a rails object because the js handles that. (I have another app running with carrierwave so I know these credentials, secret, access key etc are all correct)

My question is why are no files being uploaded when paintings.js.coffee is handling the file upload process?

I have a stackoverflow question about this question as well. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16291848/upload-straight-to-s3-failing-railscasts-pro-383

thanks again for a great episode Ryan!