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Sebastien Grosjean's Profile

GitHub User: ZenCocoon

Site: http://www.zencocoon.com

Comments by Sebastien Grosjean


Really nice to see such presentation in RailsCasts. Even if little aside from Rails itself it's highly appreciated.

Following the same path, I'd love to see the same Raffler application made with EmberJS (formally SproutCore 2).


The edge version of https://github.com/seyhunak/twitter-bootstrap-rails now as support for simple_form and I18n right out of the box.


The edge version of https://github.com/seyhunak/twitter-bootstrap-rails now as support for simple_form and I18n right out of the box.


Why not making this an option to the official repo ?


Nice one, for dealing with locales in the URLs Routing Filter Unless API might be useful.


Instead of letter_opener you can also use http://mocksmtpapp.com/ it's simply brilliant to test emails in development.


Great screencast and nice addition.

@Ken Hart: I guess it depends on your page structure. If your page rely on lots of heavy JS and CSS and this big background is simply for extra eye candy, I believe loading it after all the rest to be a better choice. However if your page have only this big image as heavy thing, yes, streaming will be great as starting it's download as soon as possible, ending up with a faster page load.