Hi Ryan. I was wondering how you test validations. Do you always do it through integration tests (like in the example below) or do you use something else?
visit new_employee_path
click_button "Save"
page.should have_content "Name can't be blank"
page.should have_content "Age can't be blank"
fill_in "Name", :with => "John Doe"
fill_in "Age", :with => "something"
click_button "Save"
page.should have_content "Age must be a number"# ...
If you do use integration tests, what's your advice to make the code cleaner/less repetitive?
Hi Ryan. I was wondering how you test validations. Do you always do it through integration tests (like in the example below) or do you use something else?
If you do use integration tests, what's your advice to make the code cleaner/less repetitive?
Thanks for the great screencast!
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