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Hi Ryan,

I seek advice about configuring the domain length, different for staging and production. I have an app that uses subdomain. The same app is hosted in a staging environment and production environment on the same server.

stagin paths:

production paths:

The TLD length is 1, but how can i set the Domain length, so that in staging the domain length is 2 and in production the domain length is 1

Thanks in advance!


Did anyone experience a problem with using Thread.current store in a default scope? When i change the ID stored in Thread.current i can see that it is overwritten but the default scope query stays intact - like it was cached with the previous ID. Can i get rid of that cache from default scope? The alternative is to use a scope with a parameter, but then it doesn't make sense to use Thread.current for storing current tenant ID simply because it can be stored i current_user.* (whatever).


Thanks Bart for your post. I've googled on my own also and I came up with couple of tools / frameworks that can help in x-browser compatibility:
1. PIE http://css3pie.com/about/
2. 960 and Adapt.js http://adapt.960.gs/

and of course Compass

Does anyone have any other tools helpful in x-browser compatibility?


Great railscast as usual! Thanks Ryan!!!

Does anyone know if writing the view using haml and scss/sass is cross-browser compatible. do I still need to use hacks and tricks to make the view look the same in all browsers?

I know this is a stupid question cause it would tooooo beautiful if it was true ;-)

'dash rockets' RoCK!


+1000 for SASS with Coffee ;)


Hey Ryan! Another great episode :)

As for streaming it self i think that it's a great feature if you use it properly. Personally i would jump into it with my eyes covered ;)

@Markus: what kind of problems are you writing about?

@Ryan: i really appreciate the new look - it's amazing. Unfortunately I have to agree with Javi about the music :( Please, let it be more soothing :) (i'm sorry for pointing this out)