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Alex S's Profile

GitHub User: alexs333

Comments by Alex S


I used code as described in this episode:

ser.facebook.put_connections("me", "my_apps_namespace:recommend", event: event_url)

It works fine in sandbox mode, however when trying to submit for approval I get the following:

our code is currently configured to publish a stream story. You must change your code so that when the test user triggers the action it produces an open graph story. Please make the appropriate changes and resubmit.

Had anyone else experienced anything like that?


I've installed MiniProfiler with no problems, however I'm unable to find the configuration to allow more then 10 traces in the top left corder. The actual useful requests are getting "swallowed" by later smaller requests... (I can't precompile assets in order to reduce number of requests yet as I am on 3.0.x). Is such config option available?