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Mauricio Mercado's Profile

GitHub User: maumercado

Site: www.maumercado.com

Comments by Mauricio Mercado


I came to this cast by looking for benchmark tests with rspec, and I was wondering if a chapter on rspec testing and benchmarking apis would be in your plans, if not then I guess this is a suggestion...

Awesome screencasts as always, thank you!


Hello Luke and Elliot,

Do you have any pointers as to how to set Devise authentication on an existing rails app with backbone.js?

Thank you!


Im getting an error on the validation server side... in fact Im not getting the error alert when the name is not present.

im using rails 3.2.8 and backbone-on-rails

In the network console it does state that theres an error with the api/entries, and in the response theres the errors key, but still no alert..