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GitHub User: dgm

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I have to disagree with some of this concept: Now the validations apply only to those forms, so if you somehow introduce another way to sign up (maybe an email gateway auto creates?) your validations do not run. I think in many cases it would be better to leave the the non form specific validations on the model and delegate them.


Sounds neat, but all the examples look like a single resource. What about more complex examples; such as a User has_many Posts... In the view one might have a @user.posts.each |post| do ... how do you get a decorator object for those?


Same question for apache, I have apache/passenger forcing a rewrite on all pages to the https equivalent. would the force_ssl replace the need for that rewrite?


I think at that point I would use a combination of techniques - The inherited files could also include a partial of the common elements, and a partial of the added elements - that way you could override only the added elements.


Awesome new look! Looking forward to the next rails, too!