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Paulo Tarud C's Profile

GitHub User: ptarud

Site: www.toeska.cl/~ptarud

Comments by Paulo Tarud C


Hi everyone:

If you want to detect if mobile or not, an easier way to do that is define this method in your controller:
Thereafter, you have to call this method with :

before_filter :check_mobile

def check_mobile
if request.user_agent =~ /Android/i
session[:mobile] = true
elsif request.user_agent =~ /BlackBerry/i
session[:mobile] = true
elsif request.user_agent =~ /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i
session[:mobile] = true
elsif request.user_agent =~ /IEMobile/i
session[:mobile] = true
session[:mobile] = false

thereafter your session[:mobile] will have true if you are in mobile and false if you not.

I hope its helpful for you.