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Randy Morgan's Profile

GitHub User: randym

Site: http://axlsx.blogspot.com/

Comments by Randy Morgan


yes, you are quite right. the version numbers where transposed. sorry about that That version supports a considerable amount of the ECMA-376 specification - also known as office open xml. what did you use to generate your data that opened raw xml? I think you'll find axlsx to actually work. we've been sucessful in interop with Numbers and LibreOffice and expect to release google docs operability this week.


While there are some things like graphs that do not interop very well, I have never experienced Numbers opening up an xlsx file as raw XML. Interested to hear what version of Numbers you are working with. I Currently using 1.2 (436) for confirming https://github.com/randym/axlsx interoperability with LibraOffice and Numbers


This is the only one I know about - not quite as smooth of an API but if you are dealing with a fixed template it is great.


Thanks Yannick. It has been a true community effort. Huge respect to the people out there who forked and added the feature they needed. I'd love to see a Pro cast showing chart generation, multiple sheets, styled and localized headers and all that jazz. For now, here is a blog post showing how easy it is.




acts_as_xlsx is also a very quick way to get up and running with rails.

grab me on #axlsx if you have any questions.