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Dan Newman's Profile

GitHub User: spherop

Site: convozine.com

Comments by Dan Newman


i get this on the very next page after the user signs up using fb using the oauth fb video tutorial here (and devise oauth).

this error is triggered by
= current_user.facebook.get_object("me").to_yaml

anybody dealt with this?

OAuthException: Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix time 1345496400. The current unix time is 1345499103.


Why is underscore version staying in 1.3.1?

I am using the backbone-on-rails gem and having some issues that seem to be related to the fact that in my app underscore is stuck at version 1.3.1 when 1.3.3 is latest. My gemfile version is for backbone-on-rails which has the latest underscore. I know this must be something basic – but I would think that the underscore file should automatically be updated to 1.3.3 by using this gem no? Anyone have any ideas why it would stay at 1.3.1?