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GitHub User: felipeik

Comments by Felipe Iketani


Nice screencast!

But I believe that screencasts that help people to grow the community like creating ruby gems should not be PRO screencasts.


i installed jquery-rails and tried autocompletion, but i've got "Ajax is not defined" error,

some help? thnx!


Justin Zollars,

i've got the same issue,but i fixed it in my code.

you may have a model called TagName, so it is looping when you do a method call tag_name in your Inventory model.

Use the method :tag_name2 and try it out, like this:

<%= text_field_with_auto_complete :inventory, :tag_name2, { :size => 15 }, { :url => formatted_tags_path(:js), :method => :get, :param_name => 'search' } %>

hope i helped