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Anders's Profile

GitHub User: TheMightyPope

Site: http://www.amazingsandwiches.com

Comments by Anders


Looks like it's a problem with Windows, where OmniAuth (or ruby) cannot find root certificates. No clue how to solve that yet.


I'm having a problem with SSL after following the railscast. After clicking on login via facebook, on the return call this error happens:

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

I've seen people say this is due to ruby 1.9.2, and downgrading to 1.8.7 would help (I don't want to), and some have posted a "faraday hack" to this which I can't get working.

But I'm thinking this is a configuration issue more than anything. Does anyone have a clean fix for this?