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ranska's Profile

GitHub User: ranska

Site: rubyrock.me

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I want to know if someone do some angular unit test with karma or something else ?

It hard to find something on the web when i use 'rails coffeescript angular test'
i found almost nothing ...


thanks Ryan, really good as usual.
Do you think it's complicate to replace the text_area
by ck_editor or some like that ?


hi Vladimir.

In a very fast way you can use guard.
Then your coffeescript compiled in javascript every time you save a .coffee
I m not sure this is the perfect way but it's work and it's easy to implement in rails 3.0.x


Nice I'm really exited to see the next rails 3.1 new feat.
Change for migration look awesome.

the new design is cool to ( a centred culum will great for my big screen
#episode margin: auto


thank's for your great job.


Thank's i really love to use it.

livereload is what ! waiting for since so many time.

there is a livereload exetention for firefox 4 now :)