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John's Profile

GitHub User: jwg2s

Site: http://www.market76.com

Comments by John


Anyone realize that tokeninput doesn't work on IE9? Seems like a pretty obvious no-go considering 17% of the internet still uses IE.


I too would be very interested in seeing how to tackle authorization on an index page where the user should only see a list of appropriate objects.

Do you have plans to make another video or perhaps just show some example code for how this might be done?


I'd like to be able to create two objects, A and B, and relate them both to Object C in my factories so I can dry up my code. How can I do that using factory girl?

I'm running into scenarios where Object A is related to one instance of Object C, and Object B is related to another instance of Object C, when I'd like them to both be relating to the same instance of Object C.