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GitHub User: GertThiel

Comments by Gert Thiel


While Derby and Meteor are nice at the first glance both a still in their –promising– infancy.

I expect to kind of web app to dominate in the future: Highly interactive and responsive apps build using frameworks like Derby, Meteor, Slipstream or alike. And static HTML assets / pages where no interactivity is necessary.

Rails will not be able to compete with any of these hyper modern Node frameworks as long as the Rails project avoids integrating Websockets as a core feature. We could of course integrate Juggernaut, Faye or Torquebox Stomp but would be left on our own devices. But then every one of us must build a synchronization mechanism.

I'm just considering AngularJS and Joosy. And whether generators would be useful to write all the boilerplate code by introspecting the existing models.