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Chris's Profile

GitHub User: obromios

Site: www.thegolfmentor.com

Comments by Chris


Does it help SEO, in the sense that all the membership-only material is made available for search engines such as google etc to scan?


As usual, a really useful and clear episode, thank you Ryan.

Just a couple of minor points. In the ASCIIcast, there is unrendered '↵' (in the config/environments/development.rb section).

Also, for people who have never used the mailer before (like me), it might be worth pointing out there is further configuration to get the Mailer fully working, as outlined in your Action Mailer railscast.


Hi Ryan

I have been working through the relevant Railscasts, and just for sentimental reasons watched the first one. Thank you for creating such a wonderful resource. You distill such clear practical understanding in an entertaining way.
