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GitHub User: netwire88

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What if you set config.action_dispatch.tld_length = 2 for herokuapp hosted sites, such as staging.rb? For production, I'd assume you won't use herokuapp.com so tld_length = 1 still works?


How does this compare with a gem like https://github.com/dsaronin/milia? Is there a multi-tenancy gem that works with Mongoid?


the .page() and .per_page() are part of will_paginate. If you use kamanari, it's .page() and .per(). I'm not familiar with total_entries, but I use Mongoid and I can use .size


Could it be due to CoffeeScript space vs. tab?


Does your config/application.rb file have this?

config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false


How would I change the templates to use Handlebars? I've tried using 'handlebars_assets'. But I'm getting odd errors. Any chances to see versions of /templates/entries/entry.jst.hbs and index.jst.hbs?