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Chuck Han's Profile

GitHub User: prototypos

Site: http://www.prototypos.com

Comments by Chuck Han


@Phillip (I know, more than a year later):
I think your issue is the same as mine. For example, in Ryan's example, if Photos were nested in Articles, find_commentable would not work correctly. Assuming a RESTful API, then you need to retrieve $1 from the request.request_uri (note my example uses 'imageable' as opposed to 'commentable'):

    def find_imageable
      pathArray = request.request_uri.split('/')
      if pathArray.count > 2
        if pathArray.count % 2 == 0
          imageableString = pathArray[pathArray.count-3].singularize
          imageableString = pathArray[pathArray.count-4].singularize
        @which_id = imageableString+"_id"
        if pathArray.count % 2 == 0
          return imageableString.classify.constantize.find(pathArray[pathArray.count-2])
          return imageableString.classify.constantize.find(pathArray[pathArray.count-3])
        params.each do |name, value|
          if name =~ /(.+)_id$/
            @which_id = name
            return $1.classify.constantize.find(value)