I'm trying to store my I18n using redis for example :
locale: en
key: intro.label.title
value: "Hello World"
but my key change to introlabeltitle even my controller log like :
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Submit", "authenticity_token"=>"ZYoK5MMixIz9hiN8keOd9OTkKo6dBYluATYoyQDbmrY=", "utf8"=>"?", "value"=>"Hello World", "locale"=>"en", "key"=>"intro.label.title"}
and inside the redis-cli my key change to "en.intro\x01label\x01title"
Hi all. this railscast is awesome. But i've question, how to push a message for specific client. For example in facebook, if somebody send me a message or tag my photo, that was notification only for me. Thanks
I'm trying to store my I18n using redis for example :
but my key change to introlabeltitle even my controller log like :
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Submit", "authenticity_token"=>"ZYoK5MMixIz9hiN8keOd9OTkKo6dBYluATYoyQDbmrY=", "utf8"=>"?", "value"=>"Hello World", "locale"=>"en", "key"=>"intro.label.title"}
and inside the redis-cli my key change to "en.intro\x01label\x01title"
here is my initializer :
and my controller
Thank you and sorry for my bad english
Hi all. this railscast is awesome. But i've question, how to push a message for specific client. For example in facebook, if somebody send me a message or tag my photo, that was notification only for me. Thanks