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Comments by ybart


The helper_method part does not work using Rails API's controller:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::API

This is because ActionController::API#helper_method is simply a stub that does nothing.

I just needed to include AbstractController::Helpers in my ApplicationController to make it work.

 include AbstractController::Helpers

I've successfully built it for Lion with Xcode. I just needed to replace the Deployment Target from 10.8 to 10.7

Here is the link:


@rbates Sorry, I was meaning including the source code of application.js on this page. Of course, application.js should be included by rails application layout as well.


Really great cast ! I was recently searching for this kind of solution without finding anything I was happy with. Thanks to make me discover Faye.

In the code, I think application.js should be included as well.