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GitHub User: scottweisman

Comments by Scott


Great Railscast! I've always used Heroku. Is there an equivalent command to 'heroku logs' on VPS with Nginx?



I got Prawn working, but I keep getting this message in my terminal:

mime_type.rb:102: warning: already initialized constant PDF

Anyone else have this issue?


I know that sending the actual emails/newsletters is not the focus of this episode, but I would like to see how Ryan would setup sending newsletters like this. I haven't been able to find a good example of sending group emails in Rails.


Has anyone been able to get Tokeninput working with nested forms? I'm using a standard fields_for, but I can't get the form to pass the attributes of the nested model. Any thoughts would be appreciated.



My data in json is not being displayed in the order of [id, name] which I guess is required for the plugin to work. Can anyone tell me how to re-sort the json data or how to use the jsonContainer option for the plugin?
