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Philippe Antoniotti's Profile

GitHub User: pantoniotti

Site: https://github.com/pantoniotti

Comments by Philippe Antoniotti


Hi Ryan,
What should I put it to add mongodb support ?
Do I need to fully install it with apt-get on the VM ?
Does it also require Port Forwarding ?


Hey Ryan,
First of all thanks for all your railscasts, they are fantasticly helpfull and well done.

I followed this one but all my uploads are very slow in any config I use (:fog, :s3)
I am on an EC2 medium instance and using s3 in same region.
Any other upload to the instance works at normal speed (I also upload zip files for other purposes). It's really when using carrierwave that the slowness appears.
If I save a user without avatar, it saves fast.
As soon as I upload an image (40k or 400k), it takes about 6/7 seconds to upload and generate 2 smaller versions thumbnails.
I tried to remove thumb creation, same thing (6/7 seconds)
Any clue what can be happening here ?
(Rails 3.1.10, carrierwave 0.5.8, fog 1.3.1)
Unfortunatly I can not use a backgrounder and carrierwave_direct seems more tricky to use in my case (all has to happen in same new/edit form)

Thanks a lot


Hey Ryan, thx for this.
I have a problem though with Mongoid
A Person model and Custom Attributes model. Person embeds_many custom_attributes. Everytime the update_attributes(params[:person] creates a brand new set of attributes with a new idea instead of updating the existing ones.
Any idea why and how to fix this ?