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GitHub User: Astr0surf3r

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Hi guys,

I'm a newbie so in my case my webpage is:

< label for="table_basket" >Basket</ label >
< select id="table_basket" name="table[basket]" >< option value="" >Please
select< /option >
< option value="1" >Awesome< /option >
< option value="2" >Normal< /option >< /select >

< label for="table_apple" >Apple< /label >
< select id="table_apple" name="table[apple]" >< option value="" >Please
select</ option >
< option value="1" >Green< /option >
< option value="1" >Red< /option >
< option value="2" >Yellow< /option >
< option value="2" >White< /option >< /select >

< input name="commit" type="submit" value="Create Table" />

in the app/views/apple/index.html.erb I have

<%= form_for @table do |f| %>

<%= f.label :basket %>
<%= f.collection_select :basket, @basket, :id, :name, {:prompt => true} %>

<%= f.label :comune %>
<%= f.collection_select :apple, @apple, :basket_id, :name, {:prompt => true} %>

<%= f.submit %>

<% end %>

And I change the apple.js.coffe file in this

jQuery ->
apple = $('#table_apple').html()
$('#table_basket').change ->
basket = $('#table_basket :selected').text()
options = $(apple).filter("[label=#{basket}]").html()
if options

but it doesn't work I think the problem it's here in this line

options = $(apple).filter("[label=#{basket}]").html()

options doesn't get the 'value' of the option attribute in the select list menu

Is it a simple syntax error?

thank you in advance,