The datepicker works perfectly for anything being edited that isn't within properties. Troubleshooting it seems that the issue is jQuery being called/attached/whatever-term-you-want before the builder finishes. If I add the following lines, the name will trigger its changes, but the date will not.
# For the sake of testing, I've hard-wired the id names in to eliminate passing the id names as being the problem.
jQuery ->
$("#hardware_model_name").change ->
alert "name has been changed"
jQuery ->
$("#hardware_model_properties_test_date").change ->
alert "date has been changed"
How does one properly include the jQuery for render calls?
I'm combining this with dynamic forms from episode #403. The jQuery doesn't fire for the properties when looping through the following lines...
The datepicker works perfectly for anything being edited that isn't within properties. Troubleshooting it seems that the issue is jQuery being called/attached/whatever-term-you-want before the builder finishes. If I add the following lines, the name will trigger its changes, but the date will not.
How does one properly include the jQuery for render calls?
Alright, I figured out the 406 problem for other people who run in to it.
This is not a server-side issue, but rather an error in a presumption made in this example.
Odds are you're implementing this for a controller that already exists, and it already has a "def index" section.
For example, my code already had this:
# GET /users
# GET /users.xml
def index
@users = User.all
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => @users }
The 406 is occurring because this def index doesn't have a way to respond to javascript requests.
So after the format.xml line, add this:
format.js { @categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => ['name like ?', "%#{params[:search]}%"]) }
Several other users have mentioned it, and there has been no resolution posted.
When I go to http://localhost/categories.js, as shown in the demo, nothing is listed and a 406 error is returned in the logs.
Can someone provide a solution for this?