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Tyrel Richey's Profile

GitHub User: tyrel86

Site: www.tyger86.com

Comments by Tyrel Richey


I was wondering if any one knows of good solutions for polymorphic HABTM relations. Like the relationship between tags products and articles. I've seen some decent hacks involving join tables but they all require hard coding each evolved model in the join table.


Hey I like the idea for this and tried it on my system but something is broken. I am on Ubuntu 11.04 and when I try auto completion after rake it takes a while to load and then shows no options unless there are file names in the directory that I am in that begin with rake. Just no db:create or any thing like that. It was like this before and after I added the _rake to the custom directory. Do I need to add rake or _rake to the plugin call in .zshrc? Thanks for your help I am really enjoying your rails cast.