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Luca Guidi's Profile

GitHub User: jodosha

Site: www.lucaguidi.com

Comments by Luca Guidi


"In Angular, the DOM is your view."

I think this is the same mistake that Rails did since its beginning: mixing up the concepts. Instead, the DOM is a template, the view is an object which is responsible for the presentation of a model (see BackboneJS or Mustache).


Is it just me, or AngularJS looks so a bad idea? Ryan, don't get me wrong, the episode was great, but I'm not convinced by the framework.

All that ng-show, ng-repeat, ng-class are looking like the old Java's JSF, and similar frameworks. It also enforces obtrusive JS with ng-submit and ng-click.

So my point is: your view will easily become cluttered and totally dependent on it. The advantage of other frameworks like Backbone, is to have a separation of concerns between the presentation and the behavior (less or no dependencies), and a structured client side application (MVVM).


For those who are interested: there is a Redis backed i18n solution in my redis-store gem (beta4 version): https://github.com/jodosha/redis-store/blob/master/lib/i18n/backend/redis.rb