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Martin Svalin's Profile

GitHub User: martinsvalin

Site: http://martin.lite.nu

Comments by Martin Svalin


Oh, and congratulations on your 2**8th episode!


Funny how you'd do a Railscast on i18n just a couple of days after I took a lab day to explore webtools for handling the translation process.

We have about 3000 strings translated into five languages. Editing yaml-files in this situation will cause brain damage.

For now, we've settled on http://webtranslateit.com, but there are others like http://99translations.com. They provide a really nice translation GUI. Importing our locale files took a while, but the export was quick and gave me the opportunity to do a massive cleanup of our translation keys.

I feel that when an internationalized project grows big, there is a large payoff in using a professional translation tool. Spend your time on your app, instead of maintaining a custom tool for translations. If your translation files are big, you'll make the money you spend on the translation tool back in very little time.