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Karim Helal's Profile

GitHub User: khelal

Site: www.monaqasat.com

Comments by Karim Helal


Hi Jasper, we're currently working on something very similar and trying to decide between using customer-specific schemas or using different tables. Do you mind sharing what you've done on your side and what were the pros/cons ? Much appreciated.


Thanks for yet another great set of videos. Quick question however. Let's say your article would have a 1-n association with a tree-like structure called 'article_subjects', and that you would also want to be able to search based on these article_subjects (and their parents). Any idea on how we could achieve this?


Great tutorial, as always! Anybody knows of any good engines that can be mounted inside an rails app to handle the common stuff such as marketing pages / helpdesk?


Was just looking at something like that! Thanks for yet another great railscast.