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GitHub User: mdoza

Comments by Matt D


I followed through the debugger and discovered it is not a MiniTest issue. The message is coming from ActiveSupport::Testing::TaggedLogging.

All fixed!


I'm having a blast with MiniTest, thanks for the cast to get me started.

BTW, does anyone know what the heck is going on here? I cant get rid of these INFO logs when running rake test:

Run options: --seed 49565

# Running tests:

I, [2013-06-17T20:13:58.081793 #4983] INFO -- : ------------------------
I, [2013-06-17T20:13:58.081875 #4983] INFO -- : UserTest: test_the_truth
I, [2013-06-17T20:13:58.081903 #4983] INFO -- : ------------------------

Finished tests in 0.004575s, 218.5792 tests/s, 218.5792 assertions/s.

1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

The INFO log shows up for every test.


Have you tried using the Mailgun or CloudMailIn add on?


I second using bootstrap-sass. I supports the current version of Bootstrap and makes it so much easier to customize.