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Software Element's Profile

GitHub User: swelement

Comments by Software Element


Let's say that your_extra_param should be the value of a second text field (you have categories and products and you want to autocomplete the products associated only with the selected category).

How can you make it work? Unfortunately I cannot figure it out.



The link to Episode 308: Oh My ZSH is wrong. It points to episode 301.

Have a nice day.


I'm trying to use Guard (to execute rspec) for my new project (Rails 3.2 even if I think it does matter), but I cannot start it properly. I have all the required gems and dependencies installed but when I run bundle exec guard, it runs all the specs once and after I get dyld: unknown required load command 0x80000022 and it exits.
My machine is running MAC 10.5.8

Any ideas how to solve my issue?

Thanks for any help.