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Steve Castaneda's Profile

GitHub User: stevecastaneda

Site: http://stevecastaneda.com

Comments by Steve Castaneda


It's almost like playing detective. Thanks for this video! I enjoy seeing how you scour the internals of Rails and your thought processes.


Does anyone have any hints of how they could implement this on a has_many to has_many relationship, using a third modal to join them?


Finished checking it out. Definitely a faster paced screencast, but throughout I've identified things that I can read up on and do further study with later. I love how you covered both ui testing and actual functionality (making sure the email is actually sent, not just that the email link does something visually)

Luckily I've used RSpec and Capybara before, so I was able to follow along decently enough, but at least some experience with both is probably a pre-requisite to keeping up.

Overall, loved the screencast and would love to see more. Thanks as always, Ryan!


Nice redesign, Ryan! Thanks for taking a dive into the latest build. I guess now is a good time to start playing around with Coffeescript and SASS.


Thanks, Ryan! I've been really needing to add testing into my latest app that's damn near all jquery & rails 3. I appreciate you diving into this subject.


Love it! Only one question: how will this work for database records that are deleted through :dependent => :destroy?

So if a post :has_many comments, and I delete a post, wouldn't the .last parament get the last comment of that post and allow me to revert that only?

I guess I'd need to add more logic to the revert method for this then.