Here I will demonstrate creating two template handlers. One for Ruby which is great for JSON or CSV formats. Another for interpreting Markdown which is useful for informational content.
(12 minutes)
There are many ways to handle static pages in a Rails application. Here I show two approaches including one that uses a RESTful style PagesController to keep the content in the database
(8 minutes)
Here I compare several syntax highlighting solutions and show how to use Pygments in a Rails app. I also show how to integrate it with Markdown and add caching.
(8 minutes)
Clean up complex view logic with the help of presenters, and doing this from scratch gives you a lot of flexibility. Here I show not only how to create presenters, but how to test them using Test Unit and RSpec.
(14 minutes)
Clean up complex view logic using Draper. This gem provides decorators (much like presenters) which bundles view logic in an object oriented fashion. In this episode I do a step-by-step refactoring of a complex template into a decorator.
(12 minutes)