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Factories not Fixtures (revised)
Episode #158Oct 27, 201144 comments

Factories not Fixtures (revised)

Fixtures are external dependencies which can make tests brittle and difficult to read. In this episode I show how to use Factory Girl to generate the needed records directly in the tests. (9 minutes)
Custom App Generators (revised)
Episode #148Feb 03, 2013100 comments

Custom App Generators (revised)

Learn how to customize the Rails app generator to fit your preference. This episode shows how to do this using .railsrc file, app templates, app builders, RailsWizard, and AppScrolls. (10 minutes)
YAML Configuration (revised)
Episode #85Oct 14, 201298 comments

YAML Configuration (revised)

Keeping passwords and secret tokens in source control is a security risk. Here I show how to move these settings out into a YAML configuration file which can be loaded in as a hash or environment variables. (8 minutes)
Console Tricks (revised)
Episode #48Jun 09, 201271 comments

Console Tricks (revised)

Here you will learn how to get the most out of the Rails console. I will also demonstrate several utility gems and how to use them without adding them to the Gemfile. (9 minutes)
Debugging Ruby (revised)
Episode #54Apr 07, 201257 comments

Debugging Ruby (revised)

This episode will show you how to debug a rails app using the "debugger" gem: set a breakpoint, inspect variables and change the executed code at runtime. (7 minutes)
Bundler (revised)
Episode #201Mar 16, 201258 comments

Bundler (revised)

Bundler makes it easy to manage Ruby Gem dependencies. Learn how to use it in a Rails application, see what's new in Bundler 1.1, convenient ways to run bundle exec, and how to fix gem compilation issues. (9 minutes)