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XSS Protection in Rails 3
Episode #204Mar 08, 201059 comments

XSS Protection in Rails 3

It is easy to be vulnerable to cross site scripting attacks in earlier versions of Rails, but Rails 3 solves this by automatically escaping unsafe input. (8 minutes)
Episode #358Jun 15, 201270 comments


The Brakeman gem will scan the Ruby code of a Rails application and alert you to common security vulnerabilities. (8 minutes)
Hackers Love Mass Assignment (revised)
Episode #26Mar 08, 201266 comments

Hackers Love Mass Assignment (revised)

One of the most common security issues in a Rails application is the mass-assignment vulnerability which allows a user to set any attribute on the model. Learn how to prevent it in this episode. (6 minutes)
Securing an API
Episode #352May 23, 201274 comments

Securing an API

There are many approaches to locking down an API. Here I start off with HTTP Basic authentication then move on to generating a unique token which can be passed through a URL parameter or HTTP header. (7 minutes)
7 Security Tips
Episode #178Sep 07, 200964 comments

7 Security Tips

Security is important! Here I show seven different security flaws which are common to Rails applications ranging from mass assignment to CSRF protection. (14 minutes)
SQL Injection
Episode #25Apr 30, 200737 comments

SQL Injection

One of the most common security problems for dynamic sites is SQL Injection. Thankfully Rails does everything it can in solving this issue, but you still need to be aware of it. (5 minutes)
Filtering Sensitive Logs
Episode #9Mar 23, 200740 comments

Filtering Sensitive Logs

Are you accepting sensitive user data? Passwords, credit card numbers, etc. By default, Rails stores all submitted parameters in plain text in the logs. This episode will show you how to filter this sensitive input so it doesn't show up in the log file. (2 minutes)