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Rails Middleware Walkthrough
Episode #319Jan 23, 2012117 comments

Rails Middleware Walkthrough

Here I describe each Rack middleware that is included in a Rails app which will give you a better understanding of what a request goes through behind the scenes before it hits your application. (14 minutes)
Rails Initialization Walkthrough
Episode #299Nov 14, 201130 comments

Rails Initialization Walkthrough

In this episode I walk you through the internals of the Rails initialization process and show exactly what happens behind the scenes when starting up the Rails application. (13 minutes)
Action Controller Walkthrough
Episode #395Dec 02, 201277 comments

Action Controller Walkthrough

Do you ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes when a Rails controller handles a request? What do the "render" and "redirect_to" methods do exactly? This and more covered as we walk through the code of ActionController::Base. (11 minutes)
Action View Walkthrough
Episode #397Dec 09, 201275 comments

Action View Walkthrough

Find out exactly what Rails is doing under the hood when it renders a view template for a response. What object context handles the template? How does the lookup process work? That and more covered in this code walkthrough. (15 minutes)
Routing Walkthrough Part 1
Episode #231Sep 13, 201064 comments

Routing Walkthrough Part 1

How does routing work internally in Rails 3? In this episode I'll walk you through the Rails code that makes routing possible. (13 minutes)
ActiveRecord::Relation Walkthrough
Episode #239Nov 07, 201042 comments

ActiveRecord::Relation Walkthrough

The new Active Record query methods in Rails 3 might seem like magic at first. But in this episode I unravel how it works by browsing the Rails 3 source code. (11 minutes)
Routing Walkthrough Part 2
Episode #232Sep 19, 201037 comments

Routing Walkthrough Part 2

In this episode we continue our look into the Rails 3 router by exploring the Mapper class. (13 minutes)