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- Rails 2.1
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- Rails 3.1
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Action Mailer in Rails 3
Action Mailer has been rewritten for Rails 3 providing a much cleaner API with its use of the Mail gem.
(12 minutes)
Sending Email (revised)
Thanks to Action Mailer, sending email in Rails is easy but there are several gotchas to be aware of. Here I show how to send an email upon submitting a form and the configuration options necessary.
(8 minutes)
Sending HTML Email
HTML email can be difficult to code because any CSS should be made inline. Here I present a few tools for doing this including the premailer-rails3 and roadie gems.
(5 minutes)
Sending Email
This is a brief guide to sending email in Rails. See how to configure the environment, generate a mailer, create a template, and deliver the mail.
(7 minutes)