- Active Record
- Active Resource
- Active Support
- Administration
- Ajax
- APIs
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Background Jobs
- Caching
- Code Walkthrough
- Controllers
- Debugging
- Deployment
- eCommerce
- Forms
- Mailing
- Models
- Performance
- Plugins
- Production
- Rack
- Rails 2.0
- Rails 2.1
- Rails 2.2
- Rails 2.3
- Rails 3.0
- Rails 3.1
- Rails 3.2
- Rails 4.0
- Refactoring
- Routing
- Search
- Security
- Testing
- Tools
- Views
Autocomplete Search Terms
Learn how to add autocompletion to a search form and improve performance using Rack middleware, caching and switching from SQL to Redis.
(17 minutes)
Dynamic Page Caching (revised)
Page caching is great for speeding up the performance of a page, but what if it contains user-specific content? Learn how to load content in dynamically through JavaScript in this episode.
(7 minutes)
Dynamic Page Caching
Use JavaScript to allow dynamic content in a page cache. In this episode I show you how to insert the user-specific content into a page through JavaScript.
(11 minutes)