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Applied Filters: forms xRails 3.0 x
MetaWhere & MetaSearch
Episode #251Jan 31, 201165 comments

MetaWhere & MetaSearch

MetaWhere provides a way to do complex find conditions without SQL in Active Record. MetaSearch makes it easy to create search forms with many find options. (8 minutes)
Introducing Devise
Episode #209Apr 12, 2010116 comments

Introducing Devise

Devise is a full-featured authentication solution which handles all of the controller logic and form views for you. Learn how to set it up in this episode. (10 minutes)
Search, Sort, Paginate with AJAX
Episode #240Nov 15, 2010124 comments

Search, Sort, Paginate with AJAX

Many administration pages have search, sorting, and pagination on the index page. See how to add all of this including AJAX. (13 minutes)
Unobtrusive Javascript
Episode #205Mar 15, 201084 comments

Unobtrusive Javascript

Keep JavaScript out of your HTML content with unobtrusive JavaScript. Here I show how Rails 3 works with this best practice. (13 minutes)
Validations in Rails 3
Episode #211Apr 26, 201059 comments

Validations in Rails 3

Rails 3 offers several new additions to validations. Here learn how to make a custom error_messages partial, reflect on validations, and clean up complex validations in a model. (9 minutes)
Customizing Devise
Episode #210Apr 19, 201074 comments

Customizing Devise

Here we dive deeper into Devise by customizing how the views, routing, validations, and authentication works. (7 minutes)
ERB Blocks in Rails 3
Episode #208Apr 05, 201060 comments

ERB Blocks in Rails 3

Blocks in ERB templates are handled differently in Rails 3.0 Beta 2. Learn all about it in this episode. (9 minutes)