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Devise and OmniAuth (revised)
Episode #235Jul 13, 2012134 comments

Devise and OmniAuth (revised)

In this episode I build upon a standard Devise setup and show how to add 3rd party authentication using OmniAuth. This includes support for user validations and is compatible with normal password authentication. (10 minutes)
Authentication from Scratch (revised)
Episode #250Feb 25, 2012100 comments

Authentication from Scratch (revised)

Simple password authentication is easy to do with has_secure_password. Here you will learn how to make a complete Sign Up, Log In, and Log Out process as well as restrict access to certain actions. (13 minutes)
Customizing Devise
Episode #210Apr 19, 201074 comments

Customizing Devise

Here we dive deeper into Devise by customizing how the views, routing, validations, and authentication works. (7 minutes)