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- Rails 2.1
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- Rails 3.1
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If you prefer writing integration tests in ruby instead of Cucumber's plain english, consider interacting with Webrat directly as I show in this episode.
(7 minutes)
Factories not Fixtures
Fixtures are external dependencies which can make tests brittle and difficult to read. In this episode I show a better alternative using factories to generate the needed records.
(12 minutes)
Selenium is a great way to test your app automatically through a browser. See how it works in this episode.
(9 minutes)
Pickle with Cucumber
Pickle adds many convenient Cucumber steps for generating models. Also learn about table diffs in this episode.
(16 minutes)
Refactoring User Name Part 3
In the final part of this series you will see how to refactor your tests. Keeping tests clean is important because it will make testing easier to do in the future.
(4 minutes)
Metric Fu
Metric Fu is a compilation of several tools to help find areas of code that could be improved. In this episode I show you how to setup this tool on the railscasts.com source code.
(9 minutes)
More on Cucumber
There is a lot more to Cucumber than I showed in an earlier episode. See how to refactor complex scenarios in this episode.
(18 minutes)
Refactoring User Name Part 2
Testing and refactoring go hand in hand. Refactoring is all about improving code without changing its behavior. Testing is all about making sure you don't change the behavior while you are improving the code.
(6 minutes)