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Site-Wide Announcements (revised)
Episode #103Nov 12, 201295 comments

Site-Wide Announcements (revised)

Here I show how to add an announcement message at the top of every page in the application and allow the user to permanently hide it. This is all done test-first and even includes testing the JavaScript behavior. (11 minutes)
Multitenancy with Scopes
Episode #388Oct 20, 2012120 comments

Multitenancy with Scopes

A multi-tenant application can be difficult to implement because the data for each tenant must be completely separate. Here I show how to do this using subdomains and default scopes in Active Record. (12 minutes)
Multitenancy with PostgreSQL
Episode #389Oct 27, 2012112 comments

Multitenancy with PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Schemas can help create a multi-tenant app by keeping data separate at the database layer. Integrating with migrations can be tricky though, so watch this episode for the full details. (11 minutes)
STI and Polymorphic Associations
Episode #394Nov 25, 201281 comments

STI and Polymorphic Associations

Single Table Inheritance (STI) can help organize branching logic into separate classes, but a polymorphic association may be a better fit if there are unique database columns. (14 minutes)
Thinking Sphinx (revised)
Episode #120Dec 09, 201144 comments

Thinking Sphinx (revised)

Sphinx is a full-text search engine for use with MySQL or PostgreSQL. Learn how to add Thinking Sphinx by defining an index on your model and searching with various options. (10 minutes)
Model Name in URL
Episode #63Jul 27, 200760 comments

Model Name in URL

By default, Rails uses the model's id in the URL. What if you want to use the name of the model instead? You can change this behavior by overriding the to_param method in the model. Watch this episode for details. (6 minutes)
Validations in Rails 3
Episode #211Apr 26, 201059 comments

Validations in Rails 3

Rails 3 offers several new additions to validations. Here learn how to make a custom error_messages partial, reflect on validations, and clean up complex validations in a model. (9 minutes)
Episode #176Aug 24, 200996 comments


Searchlogic makes searching models easier than ever with its assortment of named scopes. In this episode I show you how to create simple and advanced searches. (13 minutes)
Move Find into Model
Episode #4Mar 12, 200746 comments

Move Find into Model

Move a find into the model to clean up the controllers and remove duplication. Also see how you can call these custom find methods through an association. (2 minutes)
Performing Calculations on Models
Episode #14Apr 04, 200735 comments

Performing Calculations on Models

Did you know ActiveRecord provides class methods for performing calculations on models? You can even use these methods through associations. (2 minutes)