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ActiveResource Basics
Episode #94Feb 24, 200854 comments

ActiveResource Basics

ActiveResource allows you to easily communicate between multiple Rails applications. See how in this episode. (7 minutes)
HTTP Basic Authentication
Episode #82Dec 02, 200777 comments

HTTP Basic Authentication

Rails 2.0 offers an extremely easy way to do HTTP basic authentication. See how in this episode. (4 minutes)
Adding an Environment
Episode #72Sep 24, 200726 comments

Adding an Environment

Rails comes with three environments: development, test, and production. But, you aren't restricted to just these. You can add your own! See how in this episode. (3 minutes)
Monitoring with God
Episode #130Oct 05, 200849 comments

Monitoring with God

Need to ensure your background processes stay up and running and don't use too many resources? Check out the god gem as shown in this episode. (14 minutes)
Console Tricks
Episode #48Jun 22, 200737 comments

Console Tricks

The Rails console is one of my favorite tools. This episode is packed with tips and tricks on how to get the most out of the console. (10 minutes)
Custom Daemon
Episode #129Sep 29, 200863 comments

Custom Daemon

Creating a custom daemon to handle background tasks is surprisingly simple. In this episode I will make a daemon to handle dynamically scheduled tasks. (7 minutes)
Two Many-to-Many
Episode #47Jun 20, 200778 comments

Two Many-to-Many

There are two different ways to set up a many-to-many association in Rails. In this episode you will see how to implement both ways along with some tips on choosing the right one for your project. (9 minutes)
Episode #116Jun 30, 200864 comments


Selenium is a great way to test your app automatically through a browser. See how it works in this episode. (9 minutes)
Sending Email
Episode #61Jul 23, 200767 comments

Sending Email

This is a brief guide to sending email in Rails. See how to configure the environment, generate a mailer, create a template, and deliver the mail. (7 minutes)
Rake in Background
Episode #127Sep 15, 200862 comments

Rake in Background

In need of a background process? You may be able to accomplish this with a simple Rake task. See how in this episode. (10 minutes)