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Search, Sort, Paginate with AJAX
Episode #240Nov 15, 2010124 comments

Search, Sort, Paginate with AJAX

Many administration pages have search, sorting, and pagination on the index page. See how to add all of this including AJAX. (13 minutes)
Episode #340Apr 11, 2012173 comments


DataTables makes it easy to convert a plain HTML table into one with pagination, sorting, and searching - all done with JavaScript and jQuery. Here I show how to set this up and use a Rails application as the data source. (9 minutes)
AJAX History State
Episode #246Dec 27, 201051 comments

AJAX History State

The new pushState function in JavaScript allows us to change the full URL with AJAX. This means the back button, reloading, and bookmark support can be easily added. (10 minutes)
Unobtrusive Javascript
Episode #205Mar 15, 201084 comments

Unobtrusive Javascript

Keep JavaScript out of your HTML content with unobtrusive JavaScript. Here I show how Rails 3 works with this best practice. (13 minutes)
Auto-Complete Association
Episode #102Apr 21, 2008138 comments

Auto-Complete Association

Usually a select menu is used for setting a belongs_to association, but in this episode I will show you how to use a text field with auto completion. (13 minutes)