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HTTP Streaming
Episode #266May 16, 201153 comments

HTTP Streaming

HTTP Streaming allows the browser to start processing the HTML response while the Rails app is still processing the rest of the request. (9 minutes)
ActiveRecord::Relation Walkthrough
Episode #239Nov 07, 201042 comments

ActiveRecord::Relation Walkthrough

The new Active Record query methods in Rails 3 might seem like magic at first. But in this episode I unravel how it works by browsing the Rails 3 source code. (11 minutes)
Active Record Reputation System
Episode #364Jul 09, 2012105 comments

Active Record Reputation System

If you need to calculate an average user's rating or sum up a number of votes, consider using the activerecord-reputation-system gem. Here I will cover the basics and also briefly present a from-scratch solution. (10 minutes)
I18n Backends
Episode #256Mar 07, 201154 comments

I18n Backends

Internationalization is easy to add in Rails, but the YAML files can be difficult to manage. In this episode I show how to use Redis for managing the translations through a web interface. (11 minutes)
Contributing to Rails with Git
Episode #113Jun 09, 200836 comments

Contributing to Rails with Git

If you want Rails to behave a certain way, try changing it and submitting a patch. This episode will show how to do exactly this using Git. (11 minutes)
Messaging with Faye
Episode #260Apr 04, 2011117 comments

Messaging with Faye

Faye is a subscription/publishing server which makes it easy to do push notifications within a Rails app. (13 minutes)
Image Manipulation
Episode #374Aug 16, 201271 comments

Image Manipulation

Learn how to do extensive image manipulation with the ImageMagick commands. Also learn how RMagick can be used in combination with CarrierWave to process uploaded images. (11 minutes)
REST API Versioning
Episode #350May 16, 2012108 comments

REST API Versioning

APIs should be consistent, but it is difficult to do this when returning a JSON response along side the HTML interface. Here I show how to add a versioned, RESTful API. The version can be determined from either the URL or HTTP headers. (10 minutes)
Metrics Metrics Metrics
Episode #252Feb 07, 201138 comments

Metrics Metrics Metrics

Metric Fu, Metrical, SimpleCov, Rails Best Practices, and more are covered in this episode on metrics. (7 minutes)
Remember Me & Reset Password
Episode #274Jul 11, 2011167 comments

Remember Me & Reset Password

It is easy to create authentication from scratch, but how do we extend it with more features? Here I add a "remember me" check box and a "forgotten password" link. (12 minutes)