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Complex Forms Part 3
Episode #75Oct 15, 2007270 comments

Complex Forms Part 3

In this third and final episode on complex forms I will show you how to edit a project and multiple tasks all in one form. This includes removing and adding tasks dynamically as well. See the show notes for updated code. (16 minutes)
Time in Text Field
Episode #32May 16, 200748 comments

Time in Text Field

Although Rails does allow you to edit time attributes with text fields, it's not very flexible. In this episode you will learn how to use a virtual attribute to format the time to your liking. (5 minutes)
SQL Injection
Episode #25Apr 30, 200737 comments

SQL Injection

One of the most common security problems for dynamic sites is SQL Injection. Thankfully Rails does everything it can in solving this issue, but you still need to be aware of it. (5 minutes)